Sunday 19 February 2017

Google Will Take Over The World - Terminator - Armageddon - End Of Days

I once said to my students back in 2010 that Google will take over the world, I don't think we're too far from all of that.

What I mean by that is an apocalyptic way, you've probably seen Terminator, where Kyle Reese is sent back in time from the year 2029 by John Connor to 1984 to rescue the teenage Sarah Connor from the claws of the T-800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger who was sent by Skynet to kill her to prevent John Conner from ever being born, he of course is the leader of the Tech-Com resistance force who are trying to bring down Skynet.

So where does Google fit into all of this? Good question. We all know that google has been around since 1998, we also know that they quickly became the biggest search engine in the world. They're famous for developing the Android operating system, as of 2016 it is now in almost 90% of all smartphones on the market. So we can see how google has grown year after year.

In 2013 Boston Dynamics was bought out to the tune of $500 million. Boston Dynamics is owned by Google X, Google X is a semi secret research and development company owned by Google. Google is now a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, a company created by the two founding members of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin back in 2015.

You only have to take a look at some of the robots that this company is making to see that the days of the T-800 are actually not that far away.

For those of you with smartphones, have you ever noticed how when you're having a conversation with someone that when you pick up your phone and start typing something into Google that it seems to already know what it is you want to search for? Maybe google is secretly listening into our conversations. They might use the excuse that it's all about providing us with a better service, but is this really the case.

How long will it be before we see computers and robots being developed into machines that look just like us. Yes it may just start off where robots are helping us around the house doing odd jobs here and there, there may even be sex dolls that can see to our every need, but where will it stop?

Google have already developed, tested and are now producing driverless cars, how long will it be before those cars turn to robots or can talk to you like another human can? If you're a fan of the 80s then you'll already of heard of Michael Knight and his car KITT.

How long will it be before google becomes the next skynet? And how long will it be before we see the first terminator robot serving on the frontline in Afghanistan replacing soldiers, how long before they're on our streets and our homes?

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